2) The first issue of FoLD ran into some snags, but from what I understand it's ready to go. I'm waiting on the proof copy to make sure everything's okay, and once I approve it, you'll be able to order it online. It's $3.00 a copy for 24 pages. Hopefully it'll be ready to go by the end of the week.
3) The website's going to look different for series two (I think I'll change it up for every series), and I ran into some trouble because I reformatted my hard drive recently and in the process lost the font I used for the logo (Berlin Sans), but someone emailed it to me, so everything's good to go. Here's a screenshot of what the website will look like on October 1:
The greyish background is a photo of my desk, and the "blood" is ink spatter I converted to red in Photoshop.
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