By Darwyn Cooke
I have to admit up front that I've never read a single issue of Will Eisner's original run of The Spirit. It's something I've always meant to get around to and just never did. But my love of Darwyn Cooke's art and detective stories meant picking up the new Spirit #1 an easy decision. I know this comic came out, like, a month ago, but I haven't been to the comic store in a while so it's new to me. It's a great set-up to the character and premise, and tells an entire story in one 22-page issue, something that's pretty rare nowadays.
Also picked up:
All-Star Superman #6: Fantastic. I've never been a fan of Superman, but Morrison and Quitely make me care about him, even while using characters from the forgettable "DC One Million" crossover from six or seven years ago to tell a touching personal story about Clark's last minutes with his adopted father.
American Virgin #9 & 10: I'm liking this comic even more the further it goes. Becky Cloonan only did a few pages of art for #10, though, which is kind of disappointing. Not that the fill-in artist didn't do a great job, but I love Cloonan's art.
Astonishing X-Men #19: Faaaaaaaaaaaaaantastic.
Ex Machina #25: Great, as always. This issue focuses on Bradbury, and I was surprised to realize that we never really knew that much about Bradbury's life before the events of Ex Machina #1.
Fables #56: Fuck, this comic is so goddamn good. A stand-alone Christmas story dealing with Santa Claus visiting Fabletown that manages to set up events to come in the war against the Adversary, while rewarding readers who picked up the recent 1001 Nights of Snowfall hardcover with details that people who didn't read it won't necessarily get.
Nextwave #11: This issue blew me away with its string of double-page splashes. Love it. I understand Immonen won't be drawing it anymore after issue #12, which makes me very sad.
New Universal #2: Haven't read it yet, actually. I liked the first issue, although I don't really like Salvador Laroca's art. I do like that he obviously drew one of the characters to be Sawyer from Lost, though.
The Vault of Michael Allred #3 of 4: Self-explanatory for those who know me. I can't pass up anything with Mike Allred's name on it, unless of course it's about the Book of Mormon.
That's a nice lineup of books you've got there. On the topic of Nextwave, you're aware that not only will Immonen not be drawing it after #12, but the series will be ending? Ellis admits he'd like to continue with it, but he's stopping because Immonen can't do it right now. The idea is that in the future they may do some mini-series with the characters at a later date when Immonen is free to work on it. Apparently the Marvel feels that the book isn't quite selling enough to warrant paying one of their star artists to work on it. It's a real shame.
ReplyDeleteReally? Well that sucks. I had heard that it was cancelled after issue #12, but then I heard from... someone, maybe Kyle or Funny Steve, that the fans had brought it back from the dead. However, since Immonen is doing Ultimate Spider-Man now, he won't be drawing Nextwave anymore.
ReplyDeleteWell someone's been bullshitting you, because sadly Nextwave will be no more after #12. I enjoy the idea that they may re-team later to do more, but it doesn't seem too likely to me. What's even more disappointing than Nextwave being cancelled, though, is that I just might have to buy Ultimate Spiderman now. The jury's still out, but I likes me some Stuart Immonen art.