Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Flight of the Living Dead in print

I've decided for the New York Comic-Con I'm going to have a preview issue of Flight of the Living Dead printed up, so I can hand them out to publishers and other creators.

I'll also have them available to anyone who wants one, for around 2 bucks or so. Within the next couple weeks I'll have info for anyone who wants to buy a copy.

I'm having them professionally printed, so they'll be good quality, but it's going to be a pretty low print-run (I'm thinking 50-100 copies), and it'll have the first sixteen pages of the comic. I'm also thinking I'll do a second issue with the next sixteen pages for the San Diego con in July.

I'll also... probably... do a new cover for it. I shall keep you abreast of any new developments.

1 comment:

  1. Cool comic (what I've read on your site thus far)!

    Enjoy the New York Comic Con!
