Saturday, February 10, 2007

I love PennRadio

I listen to Penn Jillette's podcasts regularly, although I haven't listened to any of his shows this week for one reason or another. Just now I went to iTunes to get the new episodes and I see two episode synopses that blow my mind:

Joe Rogan debating the "moon landing hoax" with Phil Plait

And an hour with James Randi discussing phony psychics.

And although I haven't listened to them yet, I am literally giddy with excitement now that I've seen the episode titles.

I am such a nerd.


  1. Yes. Yes you are.

  2. Man, I can't believe I didn't jump on this bandwagon sooner! Thanks for pointing me toward this show. I listened to seven straight episodes today, all of which were great. I've downloaded about three months' worth to listen to while I work. Delightful.
